Monday, March 27, 2023
Photo by: Jackie Arias
Spring’s The Goodness of Food (TGIF) theme was “Food Waste is not Waste.”
For Week 1, the topic was “Growing Food from Garbage,” where children brought carrot top scraps to regrow a carrot. They watched a video on how this item, typically labeled as “garbage,” can be put in water to start growing again! The kids followed the steps and placed the food scrap into water. After this, they were given a cup, soil, shredded newspaper, and water. They then watched another video, this time about composting. Everyone used the material to start a “Compost in a Cup,” where the carrot top scrap will be placed when planted.
With every new lesson, kids could learn more about food waste and simultaneously check in on their carrot’s progress until it was time to take them home.
The spring session ended this past weekend, on March 25, with a trip to Overflow Farms. Special thanks to them for giving us a tour and allowing us to harvest some delicious cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots!
Overflow Farms was initially established to combat COVID-related food shortages. They rely on donations and grants to run and have used those funds to purchase a tractor and create an irrigation system. The kids saw animals like turtles and ducks and learned about their water use for irrigation and fertilization. They are an organic farm that avoids harmful pesticides and relies on natural predators, like owls. Volunteers are always welcome since the farm depends on the community’s support. Volunteer with Overflow Farms here.
Kids were given cool swag and banana awards for their hard work this session. We are grateful for the fantastic TGIF session this season, so stay tuned for the next TGIF session in September.